Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!

I want to wish everybody a happy new year.
I hope 2009 brings you everything you wish for!!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Golden Tarot

Yeah!!!!!!! One of my Christmas presents was the golden tarot deck!!!
I totally love it. Want to look at it and look at it and then...........look at it some more!!!!
Of course I'm also going to use it hahaha!! I decided that this is the perfect deck to use for my personal tarot journey. So I bought I stunning journaling book from paperblanks to put my journaling about all the cards of this deck in.
After I finished this personal journey I want to use this deck for doing readings.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Three of cups

Yesterday I pulled the three of cups card and I somehow rejected it. The picture on the card showed everything I didn't feel. Did not feel like partying and I was not in a happy state of mind at all.But this card sure wanted to tell me something. It showed me what I was missing. I was missing the pleasure and the joy. This is something I of course want to have, but to get it I have to change my state of mind.It also reminded me that it's in my own hands to achieve this, so it's something I'm going to work on.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Two of cups

Today I pulled the two of cups as my daily card.
This card shows me the importance of the interaction between me and my husband and the interaction in myself.

I have to treat myself and the people around me with love and affection. Been a little distant, because I was to busy with myself I guess.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Ace of Swords

This morning I pulled the Ace of Swords. Somehow I always like to pull an Ace card. Because they stand for new things or new beginnings.
It's still early now, so I don't know what this day will bring.
Maybe I can put the crown on some of my ideas............
I'll keep my eyes open and let you know how this card fitted in my day.

Last few days I did not get round to pulling a new daily card. Think this happened for a reason. This Ace of Swords card needed some more thinking I guess.
It showed me that to much thinking puts grey clouds over my head. Because I did to much thinking the last few weeks, I have had a headache for the past three days.
My body is now telling me to stop and I'm going to listen, that's for sure!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

King of Pentacles

Today I pulled the King of Pentacles as my daily card. This King is surrounded by wealth. But he is wealthy in the inside as well.This reflects how I'm feeling today. Just enjoying my life and all the simple things in it.I had a good day at work. Took time for myself tonight to do the things I wanted to. That's something I don't do easily. These simple things made me feel real wealthy today.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Death Card

Last Sunday I pulled the death card. It told me to make an end to the situation I'm in, considering my diet. It's time to make a new beginning. I can't keep looking back to my achievements in the past. If I want to get control over my weight, I have to take control.

So, that's what I'm going to do. Take control!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Seven of Cups

Today I pulled seven of cups as my daily card. Okay, had to think about that one for a while......
Been real busy today and it felt great. So I think this card shows me all those different things I did and how it made me feel. Felt like I was floating (kind of like a cloud). This cloud carries al these cups and it doesn't cost him any trouble. I was that cloud today. Doing all these chores and without getting tired of it. Just felt great!!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Six of cups

Yesterday I pulled the six of cups. This cards takes you down memory lane. Reminds you of your past.
I was lucky to find a picture of the Universal Waite deck. I use this deck, because I like the soft collors so much. For me they give something extra to the cards.

As I wrote before, I'm struggeling with my diet. Not seem to understand why I can't get a grip on it, like I did a couple of years ago.
So, I'm looking back at my accomplishments over the last years, with good feelings. Hoping to get a hang of it, so I can be proud of myself again.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Page of swords

This is my first entry on this weblog. I want to use this weblog to share my vision on tarot. Hope you will respond on my posts, to let me know what your vision on tarot is.
Of course English is not my first language, but I will try to be as clear as possible.

Today I pulled the page of swords as my daily card.

Think this card wants to warn me. I may have to defend myself today. Or that I go into defense to soon.
Think I'm defending myself against me. Realy struggeling with my diet the last few days.