Yesterday I did the spread I found on the blog of Zanna Starr.
It's called: Covering all the angles for 2012.
In the picture below you can see what the spread looks like.
I did this spread using the Hanson Roberts tarot.
The spread covers four areas of life:
- Self
- Home and family
- Relationships and Partnerships
- Career
These are all looked as in the following way:
- What may work in my favor in 2012?
- What may work against me in 2012?
- Advice/forecast
In my notebook I took a extensive look at this spread. Here I will post a shorter version.
The cards I drew for "Self" are:
Five of swords, Queen of cups and Five of rods.
The first card showes me my idea that it's "not done" to celebrate your victories in public.
Sometimes it could be nice though. It's not bad to be successful. It's nothing to be ashamed off.
The Queen showes me why I think this way. It's about always considering other peoples feelings.
I really should play with these inner convictions. That's shown in the last card.
The cards I drew for "Home and family" are:
Two of cups, XX Judgement and Five of cups.
This year our first child will be born. Lots of changes!
The first card tells me how importend it is for me and my husband to keep giving attention to our connection together.
In this place the Judgement card tells me something different than it normally does.
I read it more literally now. What can work against me is the judgement of other people about how things should be done.
The five of cups will help me cope with this. Look at the positive things and not at the negative things that can come out of judgement.
The cards I drew for "Relationships and partnerships" are:
Knight of Rods, Queen of swords and VIII Strength.
I can be kind of clossed and keep things for myself. The knight showes me the benneits I can have from a more open state of mind.
He comes out in the open with full passion. No fear for disappointment.
My somewhat distant state of mind could work against me. I'm always rationalising.
The strength card fits in perfectly here. It showes me I can change my ways and I can be gentle to myself about it.
With peace and trust I will come a long way!
The cards I drew for "Career" are:
Ace of pentacles, Knight of Swords and Five of pentacles.
When our baby is born I'm going to work less hours. I've alway spend a lot of energy in my career, so I find this somewhat difficult. The ace showes me there still will be opportunities.
My mentality of the knight of swords can work against me though.
I have to look at the things that are possible in the hours that I'm going to work.
The five of pentacles shows me that the way I look at this, is pure about myself.
I can go past the opportunities that are there and not pity myself bacouse off the things I can't do.
I have to see the wealth I have within reach.
This is how I see these cards now. I'm curious how things will develop this year and how I will look at this spread later on.
All the "five" card of the small arcana are represented, so lessons will be learned.
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