Since it has been a while, I have got all kinds of stuff to talk about.
First, I want to thank the people who contacted me about the life path spread. I really enjoyed doing them for you. So, THANK YOU!!!!!
Last few days I've been listening to some podcasts from The Tarot Connection. I've added them to my blog roll. Finally got round to using my mp3 player again. Really relaxing to listen to a tarot podcast while doing some stuff around the house!!
There are lot's more I didn't listen to yet, so I'm looking forward to that already!!
Today I was just playing around with my cards, and while shuffling them one card kept looking for my attention. It fell out a couple of times and popped up at the bottom of the pile..........
So I decided to give it some attention in this post, because I of course related to it.
The card I'm talking about is the ten of wands.
The reason I connected with this card, is because lately things have been a bit to much for me too handle. That's why I didn't see where I was going to and that it was too much to carry around with me. My body showed me signs however and when listening to them I finally got to the point of throwing the weight of my shoulder. Have to say, I feel much better now. This card reminded me again, that I have to be careful not to get in this situation again.
Today I designed a seven card life path spread. To see how well this spread works, I'm offering free life path readings.
If you're interested, sent an e-mail with your name and birth date to
I will answer your request as soon as possible and enclose a document with your reading in it.
To be honest I never really liked the Rider Waite tarot. When tarot came in my life, someone gave me the advise to buy the Universal Waite. The colours of the Universal Waite are softer and seem to be more gentle.
At a course I once took, a Rider Waite tarot was included. When I looked at these pictures I thought they where kind of harsh. I put them away immediately. 
Because I was working with the Crowley at that time, I didn’t connect with the Waite tarot at all, not with the original and not with the Universal.
As time went by, I started a two year tarot course. This course acquired u to use the Rider Waite tarot in the first year. Okay………….that was something I had to get used to. I picked up the Universal, because of the soft colours to get started.Now, after 6 months of taking the course, something changed.
As we spoke about the cards and their meanings, I suddenly missed something in the Universal cards. It was a sense of clearness that was missing in the cards for me.
When I got home I took the original Rider Waite cards out of their package and they just felt right. As if I suddenly understood what it was all about with these cards. Never felt so close to them before.
Why I’m telling this story? I was wondering if you ever got a change of heart, when it comes to tarot decks? Just let me know!!
I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. In the Netherlands there will be a tarot congress, organized by the Dutch tarot magazine. It’s the first time I’m going, so I’m real curious how it’s going to be.
Three people are going to speak. The subjects are:
- 20 years of the Heindl Tarot
- The secret of the Golden Down
- Tarot symbolism and the Arthur legend (this is going to be an interactive workshop)
It’s also possible to buy tarot decks and books!!!
So, really something to look forward to!