Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Today it's back to work for me. Since I'm having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions, the midwife told me to take it easy........ That I find a little bit difficult.......
But I have to pay close attention to my body and than I'm sure I will be just fine!

Before I left for work I picked a card for today. And there it is, another warning.
My husband, parents, friends an co-workers all said it before, but this card really did it for me.
The Tower....... I almost never pull this card from my decks.
For the next three months I'm sure taking it easy.
The good thing is, I have time to post this blog in my lunch break since taking a walk outside is to much for me now.


Lisa Frideborg said...

do take it easy and look after yourself. <3

charlene said...

I sure will Lisa, thank you!
The most important thing now is the health of our baby and myself.