In this post I'm going to talk about seven cards that are related to the III card in the tarot deck.
Of course the Empress, being the official III card. But also the minor arcana cards that belong to the III series.
Than there are the Hanged Man XII (12=1+2=3) and the Universe XXI (21=2+1=3), which also have a connection with the number 3.

The first card is III Empress
The Empress card many times is called the Mother Nature card. The way the Voyager tarot portraits the Empress, Mother Nature could be a good description as well. She seems to be filled with love as she is standing before the earth, on this beautiful and valuable meadow.
Valuable as in ideas an opportunities. There is space to create and to be open for everything that surrounds you.
The dove and the flower symbolize the loving and peaceful character of the Empress.
Three of Crystals: Creativity
This card shows the opportunity to make something more of your ideas. To be able to go from thoughts to deeds, and the possibility that something beautiful can exist.Sometimes ideas can be a bit rough, but with the right amount of creativity they can turn into shining crystals which you show with pride.
Three of Cups: Love
This card shows the aspects of receiving love as well as giving love.Feelings, are showed in this card as flowing flowers and water. I think when your feeling are flowing, love is possible.The rose and the fish show the beauty of love.
Three of Worlds: Nurturing
On this card you can see an elephant and a bird who take care of their baby’s. This can be real baby’s but also baby’s in terms of ideas or things you have created. You have to take care of your ideas and creations as well, to get the best out of them.
This card shows all kinds of food. Again the necessity of healthy food for body and soul is shown.
Three of wands: Compassion
This card shows the helping hand we all need every now and then. A hand that can offer loving care and doesn’t judge us.The red hand shows a lot of energy. Energy that can be used to heal. The different kinds of air are a sign to me, that you can use/show compassion in different situations.The Butterfly shows that you can be compassionate in a very subtle way. And trough this, transformation can take place.
The connection between the Empress and the minor Arcana cards:
The 3 cards of the minor Arcana all show the soft and loving side of the Empress.To me the minor Arcana cards are all soft and healing cards. But they have enough power to accomplish something.Again all the minor Arcana cards show us the same qualities as the major Arcana card, they are just divided.
XII The Hanged Man:
This card shows us the surrender that is needed to be able to look at things from another side. The principle to consciously stand still, so you can move on, being more focused. This card shows that it lies in your own hands to be able to do this.With the loving energy of the Empress this can be made a lot easier. This also counts for the 3 cards in the minor Arcana.
XXI The Universe:
This card shows that you are a part of a big completeness. It shows the connection with everything.The earth is a part of the Universe, and so is the Empress (Mother Earth).The Universe never stands still and is always evolving. This applies to all of us.We want this evolution to be as valuable as possible. As valuable as the meadow on the card of the Empress.
As I mentioned before, I'm taking tarot classes every three weeks, to complete a two year tarot education. The last class I took, was about Astrology. Very interesting, but kind of tough to learn.
Our teacher showed us a book from Johfra, an artist who made paintings about the zodiac signs. I thought they were so beautiful, that I went searching for a copy of the book for myself. My teachers book was written in French. Because I don't understand a bit of that, I was happy to find myself a Dutch copy. The same book was published in English as well.
My zodiac sign is Virgo. I found the picture of the painting on the internet. Isn't it beautiful??? And the others are gorgeous as well!!!
In the book there is a complete description of each zodiac sign. The specific details of every painting are zoomed into as well.
The reason I mention this book is because many people like tarot because of the images. When you're attracted to tarot because of that reason, this is a cool way of getting to know some more about astrology.
II The Priestess
The Priestess is a very intuitive woman, what makes this a very intuitive card. In this card you see a lot of elements that stand for feelings and wisdom. The first thing that I noticed about the woman figure on the card is her diamond eye. She clearly has the ability to see things clear. She also wants to look at all the facets, before she judges something or someone. The moon above her head again shows her sensitive side. But also the gift to keep her head strait when the nights are dark.
The dolphin is a sensitive animal that communicates by sending delicate signals. The Priestess has the ability to sense delicate signs in her surroundings. The owl shows her wisdom.
The water on the card is for me another sign for coping with your feelings and emotions, but also the ability to let people look in their mirror.
The blue color of the card makes the Priestess look a bit cold to me. She will keep a distance.
The connection with XI (11=1+1=2) Strength
The Priestess is a person with a powerful mind. This person is like the lion (from the cat family) very intuitive. She can take a lot on her shoulders, but misses the fire that is shown on the strength card. She is a lot more in control.
The connection with XX (20=2+0=2) Time-Space
The Time-Space card gives the opportunity the oversee the situation. To look back at that what you have left behind. The most important connection between the Time-Space card and the Priestess for me is the fact that the Priestess is a person that sees the overall picture. She holds herself and the situation in control. Self reflection is a word that fits both cards in my opinion.
Two of wands: Purity
This card shows the untouched. The bright and the new. It shows purity in every way.The snow, with just a couple of prints in it, the bright blue sky and the window that shows nothing but light. Then there are the lotus flower and the flame of the candle which both stand for flawlessness and pureness. The energy is flawless and pure. Things are done with the best intentions.
Two of Worlds: Reflection
The snowy landscape that is reflected in the wrinkle free lake. The bright sky with stars and the big moon. The snow that lies there untouched. It’s the perfect surrounding to be silent. Te look at your yourself and your life. This will help you to make choices. By looking in the mirror every now and then, it will be more clear what you want to do with your life.
Two of Crystals: Equanimity
The crystal on this card seems to be a big diamond, as in the eye of the Priestess. It seems as if this diamond can oversee all the other crystals. The word realization pops in my head. Your thoughts are clear and you know what you should do.
Don’t place yourself above others, because you think you already know it all.
Two of Cups: Equilibrium
On the background of this card there are four landscapes. Four different landscapes that are balanced by their state of weather. This is an appearance of stability. Keep your feelings balanced, then there will be stability. That’s also the reason that this heavily loaded duck can keep moving. The different kinds of plant, which represent different kind of emotions, are balanced.
Connection between the two’s of the minor arcana and the Priestess:
The first obvious connection are the colors. The blue color dominates and feels a little cold to me. For me that represents the detached principle where the Priestess is connected with.
For me the two cards of the minor arcana all represent something that lives within the Priestess.
For those who are wondering......... The next post in the category "10 posts with the Voyager" is coming. I just haven't had the time yet to write a full post about that one.
In the mean while I have been pulling daily cards from de Voyager deck. Today I pulled the Sun card. My first thought about that was that this would be a happy day with lots of "sunshine". That wasn't completely true looking back on this day though.
While being at work, I had to conclude that it was showing me something about the way I reacted to things today. With a whole lot of fire that was!!!! The card really worked as a mirror and that was good for me!! A good lesson I think haha.